North Vancouver Cafe Nomad's Journey Towards 100,000 Saved Single-Use Cups

At Nomad one of the North Vancouver cafe, sustainability isn't just a buzzword—it's a way of life. Since our inception, we've been on a mission to serve up delicious coffee while prioritizing environmental responsibility at every turn. Today, as we reflect on our journey, we're excited to share a milestone achievement with you all.

The Road to 100,000: Our Dedication to Environmental Responsibility

A Commitment from Day One: Eliminating Single-Use coffee cups.

From the moment our doors opened, we made a bold decision as a one of North Vancouver Cafe: to bid farewell to single-use coffee cups. Instead, we embraced reusable alternatives as the cornerstone of our business model. It wasn't just about reducing waste—it was about making a lasting commitment to the planet we call home.

From Bean to Brew: Infusing Sustainability into Every Cup

Sustainability isn't just a checkbox for Nomad—it's ingrained in every aspect of our operation. From sourcing direct trade coffee beans to using energy-efficient equipment, we're dedicated to minimizing our environmental footprint at every stage of the coffee-making process. It's a labor of love that we're proud to undertake each and every day.

The Importance of Reducing Single-Use Products

Beyond Convenience: The Environmental Impact of Disposable Items

The allure of single-use products lies in their convenience—but the true cost extends far beyond the price tag. Every disposable cup, lid, and straw contributes to a global crisis of waste and pollution, perpetuating a throwaway culture that prioritizes convenience over conservation.

Nowhere is the impact of single-use plastics more evident than in our oceans. Each year, millions of tons of plastic waste find their way into marine ecosystems, posing a grave threat to marine life and fragile ecosystems. From sea turtles ensnared in plastic bags to seabirds choking on bottle caps, the consequences are dire—and the urgency to act is clear.

Setting a Precedent: Inspiring Sustainable Living Through Action

Amidst the challenges lies an opportunity: to inspire change and chart a course towards a more sustainable future. By reducing our reliance on single-use products and embracing reusable alternatives, we not only mitigate environmental harm but also set a precedent for sustainable living that others can follow. It's a small step with far-reaching implications—one that we're proud to take alongside our community.

Celebrating Progress: Nomad is honoring 87,000 Cups Saved and Beyond

As we look towards the future, Nomad filled with gratitude for the progress we've made and the journey that lies ahead. Together, we have saved an incredible 87,000 single-use cups from entering the waste stream—a testament to the power of collective action and the importance of sustainability.

But our work is far from over. With your continued support, we're setting our sights on a new milestone: saving 100,000 more cups by June of this year. It's an ambitious goal, but we're confident that together, we can make it happen.

So here's to sipping towards sustainability, one cup at a time at our coffee shop set in the heart of North Vancouver.

Thank you for being a part of Nomad’s journey, and here's to many more milestones to come.


What sustainability means to us


Our First Workshop